Interested in the Windows version of MacDraft? Help kick-start a new PC Draft!

PC Draft Kick Starter

PC Draft Kickstarter - 2D CAD app for Windows

What we hope to add to PC Draft - Select below for more info

Latest Windows Compatibility

Designed for Windows and now compatible with the latest version. This compatibility brings a whole host of speed and efficiency to your software, making your PC Draft experience more enjoyable. The latest Windows not only provides a more confident and powerful OS, it also enhances your applications and gives you a welcome boost.

DWG Support

User Interface

Document Window Layout
Our aim is to clean up the interface by providing a document window that has all the available palettes and options to hand, so that you speed up your design process.
Single Screen
Single screen apps are the way forward. Everything is docked into one place and it will lead us to a tablet version later on, or sooner depending on the kick-start.
All of the properties for selected objects will be displayed at the same time. This means you do not have to spend time locating different options and palettes.
PC Draft Interface 1

Single screen floating palettes concept
PC Draft Interface 2

Single screen stacked palettes concept
PC Draft Interface 3

Single screen traditional concept

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DWG Support

System Fonts

Accessing System Fonts
Here you can access all of the available fonts on your system. This includes default fonts and any custom or premium fonts you may be installed.
System Fonts for Dimensions
Dimensions will now use the default system font applied within your document, giving you far more control and customization over how your dimensions are displayed.
Scale and Units

Custom Scales

Using Scales
Scales are a great way to be able to draw larger designs and layouts onto a smaller piece, while maintaining the size and proportion of your drawings.
Using scales you can draw something that could be 50 feet, fit it onto a standard paper size and then still have the application display the correct size.
Custom & Default Scales
If you can’t find the scale you are looking for from the default list, you could always create your own custom scale. Any new scale you create will be added the the bottom of the list of default scales.
You’ll find a whole set of useful default scales to use, in both English and Metric units.
Scale and Units


Linear Gradients
Create vibrant color blends with multiple colors using the traditional linear method. Linear gradients are great for creating effects to mimic shadows, blends and other graphic layout effects
Gradient Strokes
All gradients can not only be applied to the fill attribute of an object, but also to the stroke. This means you can create nice looking lines, curves and borders that produce a perfect color blend.
Radial Gradients
Vibrant color blends with multiple colors using a radial blend type. Change the position of the radial centre and create great looking glowing areas, light sources and radiating blends.
Linear Gradient
radial Gradient
Gradient Stroke
Scale and Units

MacDraft & DWG

MacDraft Compatibility
Our aim is to make PC Draft and MacDraft fully compatible, allowing you to transition between the two different platforms without losing any important data.
Latest DWG Support
Upgrading the DWG support to the latest version of AutoCAD DWG will allow PC Draft to become a powerful 2D CAD product on Windows.
Legacy Formats
The original file formats in PC Draft will remain, meaning you can open all of your old documents, without the worry of having to redraw everything again and again.
DWG Support

Huge Drawing Size

Larger Drawing Size
A larger drawing size in the professional version will allow you to create huge 2D CAD, page layout and floor plan designs for large scale printing.
Page Size
A larger drawings size will mean you can fit more and more pages into your layout, giving you more control over how your documents are displayed and printed.
DWG Support

Multi-Touch Support

This will enable you to use the track pad gestures bringing PC Draft up to a modern standard.
If this project is successful and depending on the level of interest, PC Draft could go over to the surface tablets.
DWG Support

Image Support

Support for all the major image formats on import and export. Such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and more.
PDF, Photoshop... Etc
Custom solutions for supporting JPEG 2000, MacPaint Image, Photoshop Image, SGI, Truevision and more.
DWG Support

Layers Palette

Using Layers
Layers are a great way to build up a design by locking finished parts.
New Layers
Keep control of your documents by adding and deleting layers.
Layer Positioning
Moving layers up and down gives control of the objects within them.
Active & Locked Layers
One layer is active at a time, reassuring you the other objects are safe.

Kick-Start PC Draft Project

Let’s get this project started, bring PC Draft up to scratch. Pledge your interest on Kickstarter.

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